Slavery - Part One

First slave ship arrives in Virginia, British North America (1619)

Slavery had exsisted in Africa since prehistoric times. It's often thought that the Europeans captured Africans themselves, which occasionally happened but most slaves were already captives of rival tribes captured during war. 

Europeans showed up looking to trade goods. The African kings offered them slaves in exchange for weapons. The African tribes would then use the weapons to fight their rivals and capture more slaves. 

With European influence, they made some African tribes very powerful and rich.

Instructions for loading slave ship

Different tribes and languages, chained up with rival tribesman and unable to communicate.

200 years of slavery pass by, 10 generations of slavery

I'm Irish. I'm British. I'm italian. No African counter part until DNA tests.

Slave Codes

Enslaved man who escaped to freedom by mailing himself to the north.


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