
Part Three - Capitalism & Consumerism


The innovations created a world where private investors could take risks. Risks that paid off brought in a lot of money and lead to the opportunity for further successful gambles.

These gambles lead to a lot of people becoming wealthy members of society. Imported goods became available for many. Coffee, tobacco, chocolate, china, pineapples, sugar, tea, all became available to more and more people. The more people buying it in England meant the owner of the company had more money to spend on importing more sugar and so on.

The more importers getting rich the more stores they might open. They'll hire more people to sell their products. This means people lower down the line also make more money.

The new farming technology meant that farms could produce more food. The more food the less people who went hungry. The less people hungry meant people were living longer and the population was growing. The more people the greater demand for food which meant producing food was profitable. The bigger the profit the more the farmers could invest in farming technology. It created a benefit circle and society as a whole benefited greatly. This system worked so well that deaths from obesity have become much more common than deaths from starvation within the US.


Part Four -The Price of the Revolution

Despite the great advances in technology, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. People worked long hours in dangerous conditions. The main two were factories and the mines. Many men got very rich this way. Their factories were full of children working 12 hour days for next to nothing.


P57-61 in 25 rocks
Boys from the age of 10 would spend 12 hours down a mine. They'd catch the mine lift down as the sun was coming up and they'd finish work as the sun was setting. They'd do this 6 days a week. No vacation days.

Mine owners would rush to open mines as quickly as possible to keep up with demand even if it risked killing all the men working in that mine. Sometimes a mine would collapse and cave in trapping the miners and killing them all.


Again, children as young as 8 would work in factories for very little money. They'd work long hours with dangerous machinery. Factory managers used children to catch rats or clean the machines in hard to reach places. Every so often a child would get clothing, a finger, hand or a whole arm stuck in a machine and would have it torn off.

In 1901, the first child labor law was passed. It made it illegal for any child under 12 to work in a British factory.

Oliver Twist

T-Rex - Children of the Revolution

The Elderly

There was not retirement. Older people worked through much pain. People worked until they physically couldn't. At this point they became a burden on their families. They were another mouth to feed with one less income. The Elderly often helped with the household chores while the abled bodied were out working. 


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