Grant's Reconstruction Game
Don't know the score Don't let either side get to 20 Three members of the KKK attack and kill a white Republican. Punish - 1 S Ignore - 5N Five members of the KKK attack and kill a black man Punish - 5 S Ignore- 2 N North Carolina has agreed to ratify the 14th amendment and wants readmission to the union. Accept- 1 N Refuse - 10 S Alabama has refused to ratify the 14th amendment and wants readmission to the union. Accept- 8 N Refuse- 3 S South Carolina is experiencing a fresh wave of terrorism at the hands of the KKK. They've burnt down hundreds of homes. Send in troops- 8 S Ignore- 4 N The Albany Penitentiary houses a handful of remorseful and low ranking KKK accomplices. People are calling for them to be pardoned. Pardon them - 2 N Don't pardon them- 2 S X