English Civil War - Part Three

Part 5- End of Republic, Restoration and Hobbes Cromwell's Rule Cromwell ordered the invasion of the Spanish controlled Caribbean island of Hispaniola. When the invasion failed Cromwell believed that God was punishing them. He set about redeeming the country by closing all pubs and ale makers. Sports and entertainment was banned. People who did work on the lord's day were placed in stocks. Public morals were improved by the fear of punishment. However, support for Cromwell was falling. People didn't like being governed or corrected by a military officials informed by a network of spies. After being attacked, Spain declared war on Great Britain. So Cromwell agreed a treaty with France, who also disliked Spain. Charles II fled from France to the Spanish controlled Netherlands. Cromwell needed help paying for an army so he called for new elections for a new parliament. Votes were counted but about a hundred nominees were thrown out because of various "immor...