
Showing posts from July, 2022

English Civil War - Part Three

Part 5- End of Republic, Restoration and Hobbes Cromwell's Rule Cromwell ordered the invasion of the Spanish controlled Caribbean island of Hispaniola. When the invasion failed Cromwell believed that God was punishing them. He set about redeeming the country by closing all pubs and ale makers. Sports and entertainment was banned. People who did work on the lord's day were placed in stocks. Public morals were improved by the fear of punishment. However, support for Cromwell was falling. People didn't like being governed or corrected by a military officials informed by a network of spies. After being attacked, Spain declared war on Great Britain. So Cromwell agreed a treaty with France, who also disliked Spain. Charles II fled from France to the Spanish controlled Netherlands. Cromwell needed help paying for an army so he called for new elections for a new parliament. Votes were counted but about a hundred nominees were thrown out because of various "immor...

English Civil War - Part Two

Part 3- Beginning of the Republic Oliver Cromwell It was during this time that a high ranking member of parliament began leading a newly organized Parliamentary army into battle. He was zealous and believed he was one of 'the elect' predestined from birth to receive God's love. During battle against the King in Newbury, one of the Parliamentary generals kept his men from attacking, believing it to be too dangerous. Cromwell called him a traitor and convinced parliament to give him sole control of the parliamentary army. It was during this time that the English government outlawed Christmas, believing that it was invented by the Pope and not biblical, it also encouraged drunkenness, promiscuity and gluttony. Instead they made it a somber day of fasting. The Puritans also banned many books to the outrage of many. Yet others believed that England was "God's elect nation" favor...

English Civil War - Part One

War, terrorism, assassinations, the great fire of London, plague, Part 1- Changing Winds Britian had come a long way in 600 years. After the divine right of kings set forth by William the conqueror. After the earlier abuses of power such as feudalism, careless spending, oppressive taxes, imprisoning people without a trial, forming their own church for their own gain, getting excommunicated and executing wives to get a divorce... the people of England didn't trust their kings and queens as they once had. Trouble was brewing. 1603 - Queen Elizabeth I Dies The last in the royal Tudor lin was about to die. Everyone had been waiting with baited breath. Queen Elizabeth had no children to inherit the throne. She also hadn't named a successor and many people had only ever know her as queen. She had reigned 45 years and people felt the changing winds approaching. Some felt like anarchy and breakdown of the social order were imminent. However, from her deathbed, a close ...

King John, Robin Hood and Magna Carta

King John After the divine right of kings set forth by William the conqueror. There was 133 years before the reign of King John. All that time the king had maintained a balance between the nobles and the peasantry. However, King John was hugely unpopular and upset many of his subjects. Reign of King John- 1199 In the times of the legend of Robin Hood,  the Archbishop of Canterbury died there was a crisis. The Pope usually chose the successor however, whoever he chose always had the Pope's interests in mind instead of the king's. So King John insisted that one of his friends be appointed to the position of power. The disagreement escalated to the point that the Pope order English churches to be closed for 6 years, excommunication of the King and invited foreign princes to overthrow King John. King John prepared for foreign invasion by heavily taxing his nobility. This upset many. A nyone was heard criticizing him where thrown straight in jail. Robin Hood is believ...