Protestant Reformation- part 2

Jan Hus Jan Hus grew up very poor in the Czech Republic. His last name Hus actually comes from the small town he grew up, Hussine. In Czech it means, GooseTown. So in a way his name was Jan the Goose. In 1410, he became a pastor and philosophy professor and got hold of a copy of John Wycliffe's work while in college. He agreed strongly with Wycliffe and openly told people so. It was at this time also, that 3 people claimed to be Pope. Due to political allegiances, one lived in Avignon, one in Rome and the other in Pisa. These rival claims to the papal throne damaged the prestige of the office. After word got to the Vatican of the beliefs of Jan Hus, he was soon in trouble. He was asked to attend a meeting to defend his opinions and promised safe passage. However, when Jan Hus arrived he was instantly arrested. The Pope selected 3 high ranking bishops to judge Jan Hus. They told Jan Hus that if he took back his opinions and agreed with them they wouldn't kill him...