Complete British History

3,000 BC Stonehenge built 43 AD - Romans invade Britain 61 - Boudica killed by the Romans 122 AD- Hadrian's Wall built 406 AD - Romans Expelled from Britain 500 - Mythical King Arthur 787 - Vikings start raiding Britain 871 - Alfred the Great fights off the Vikings 1066- William the Conqueror wins the Battle of Hastings 1066-1075 Norman Conquest 1078- Tower of London built 1215 - Magna Carta 1290 - Jewish Expulsion from UK 1297- Battle of Stirling Ridge with William Wallace 1346 - The Black Death 1455-1487 War of the Roses 1485 - Henry Tudor VII takes throne 1509 Henry Tudor VIII takes the throne 1536 - Anne Boleyn Beheaded 1536 - Henry VIII appoints himself head of the English Church 1542 - Catherine Howard Beheaded 1547 - Edward VI takes the throne age 9 1552 - Sir Walter Raleigh born 1553 - Mary Tudor I takes the throne 1558 - Elizabeth I Tudor takes the throne 1564 - William Shakespeare Born 1588 - Spanish Armada Defeated by Sir Franci...